Lawrence L. Allen
Staff Writer & Editor

Lawrence L. Allen has authored both fiction and non-fiction books. After a 30-year international business career, he is now authoring professionally for himself and others. His first book was the non-fiction Chinese business book Chocolate Fortunes: The Battle for the Hearts, Minds and Taste Buds of China’s Consumers. Based on his first-hand experience as an executive for both Hershey and Nestlé in China, it is about the global chocolate industry’s war for the emerging Chinese chocolate market. It was published by AMACOM/HarperCollins in 2009 and is published in two languages. Since then, Lawrence has authored six books of fiction: novels and novellas, action adventure and fictionalized life stories. His first novel Tree of Liberty: Trilogy won Kathryn Raaker’s Best Political Thriller Award in 2014. His most recent work Eternal Patience: A Mad Genius's Quest for Everlasting Peace won Sir Alan Mooney Reviews’ Best Visionary Fiction Award in 2023. Allen was a contributing writer on Dr. Steele's books: Decoding the It Factor, The Mindset of a Dyslexic Entrepreneur, and Skating on Thin Ice